Learn what letters to clients are, review tips to help you write them and follow these templates when crafting engaging client letters. Use these templates to inform past customers about new services, prices, or bundles and inquire about reoccurring work during the upcoming season.Learn how to write sample emails when approaching new clients. Includes sales outreach templates, best practices, and more. We wrote these customer service email templates for you, based on 15 different scenarios, so you can choose and tailor them as needed. Your business is the reason we wake up every day - thank you! Explore 10 customer welcome email templates to enhance the onboarding experience. Copy and customize these customer support email templates for your own CS team to answer and resolve customer issues faster. We'll check out 16 sales follow-up email templates we've created with the help of our salespeople here at HubSpot to help you get started. Use these copy-and-paste email templates to email clients about your new salon or business policies, including reopening and COVID waivers.