Under the CA, 1956, the format for shorter notice of the General meeting has been provided in Form 22-A under section 171(2). The fact that the Meeting is being held at a shorter Notice shall be stated in the. Notice.A notice is required to be sent to the Directors to intimate the date of the meeting. A notice of meeting for a company's board of directors, to be held on short notice. Get full access to this document with a free trial. A Meeting of the Board can be convened at a shorter notice if the Board approves this procedure. Chairman, honorable board members, my name is Anthony Staats and I reside at 9007 Clare Street. The fact that the Meeting is being held at a shorter Notice shall be stated in the Notice. 2. Frequency of Meetings. To appoint the Statutory Auditors of the Company to hold office from the conclusion of ensuing 33rd.