This course will provide you with useful words and phrases for conversing as you master the essentials of the Japanese language. I need advise on how to approach Japanese businessmen.Are there any cultural do's or dont's that I should be aware of? Greetings and Introductions are important. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of Japanese business etiquette, drawing on my own experience in living and working in Japan. This meetup is meant to give Japanese speakers (native or otherwise) an opportunity to use their language skills and meet other speakers. Meeting ; (session: of club, committee, council) riunione f ; to call a meeting convocare una riunione ; a business meeting una riunione di lavoro. The main difference between Western and Japanese business etiquette is that the Japanese tend to be more formal; but don't let that daunt you. Activities and Societies: Four Square, Dodge Ball, and the state-of-the-art video game "Olympic Decathalon. Balancing life between New York and Japan, Yurie Collins reflects on the challenges of being a female comedian in a predominantly male scene.