In general, be friendly, polite, appreciative, curious and keep an open mind. For low budget directors look them up on IMDb or google their office information and contact them directly.Learn how to run a board meeting, stay organized, and inspire action with effective board meeting basics and strategies. Seven steps for writing a board resolution, plus a definition, what it's required, how to pass a resolution and FAQs. CEOs can use a Teamup shared calendar to stay organized and centralize access to the board pack for a specific board meeting long before the meeting date. We have put together this guide to chairing a board meeting and a script example to help you out. Minutes provide a written summary of the key information, discussion, and actions taken at a board of directors meeting. When directors meet, they will review the company's performance, update on what's happening in their team and tackle any challenges. You can also feel free to reach out to directors before and after the meeting if you want to start cultivating healthy working relationships. Here are some things to consider when meeting with your director which will help you feel grounded and confident.