The Board usually holds regular business meetings at pm twice monthly in the auditorium at Jackson Middle School, 3020 Gallows Road, Falls Church. For more information, please contact Clerk of the Board. Meetings.The Board of Zoning Appeals meets at 7 p.m. On the third Tuesday of each month (except August) in the City Council Chamber, Room 100 in the City Hall Annex. Board of Architectural Review meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Board of Zoning Appeals meets on the third Tuesday of each month. FCPS has posted the documents for this week's work session on BoardDocs (link here). We are sharing them here for easeContinue Reading. A Board member who wishes to participate in a. The annual meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was held at Fairfax, Virginia, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair.