Follow the step-by-step guide to get you started launching, expanding or re-locating a business in Fairfax County. Council meetings and work sessions begin at 7 pm and are held in Council Chamber, located in Room 100 of the City Hall Annex, 10455 Armstrong Street.The Central Fairfax Chamber of Commerce is a community based organization made up of local business owners focused on helping businesses of all sizes succeed. Register for the FCEDA's "Entrepreneurship. 101: Starting a Business in Fairfax County" workshop. The Board usually holds regular business meetings at pm twice monthly in the auditorium at Jackson Middle School, 3020 Gallows Road, Falls Church. NVC is the preeminent business association in the Greater Washington Region, championing the causes of Regional growth, workforce development, and inclusivity. All businesses require a Town of Fairfax Business License. The Business License must be renewed annually in January. Host your next meeting or company travel arrangements at our Fairfax hotel.