Hold regular meetings of all GSRs in the district. The District meeting is held the Second Monday of each month at pm, at the EDI club 18 West Streamwood Blvd Streamwood Illinois 60107.A Suggested Format for Conducting an A.A. Meeting. 1. Good Evening ladies and gentlemen. All GSRs will receive a digital GSR kit and can sign up for a GSR kit to be mailed. The AA Groups in Chicago formed the Chicago Area Service Office (CASO) to carry out necessary AA functions that no single Group could perform. District 14 covers a portion of Southern Illinois including St. Clair County and portions of Monroe, Randolph, and Clinton counties. Hold monthly group business meetings. District 12 Business Meetings are every 3rd Sunday of the month at 2 pm on Zoom AND at the Champaign Public Library in the Friends Room on the second floor. " Fill out form to Volunteer or send inquiries for Corrections.