If you're doing business with a Japanese company (or hoping to win one as a client), here are 10 key ways to prepare yourself for the cultural differences. I need advise on how to approach Japanese businessmen.Are there any cultural do's or dont's that I should be aware of? To schedule your visit, visit Online Services or call 888-SOS-MICH (888-767-6424). We have been holding one-on-one sessions where participants switch between Japanese and English every 15 minutes creating a fun and relaxed environment. Join us June 16th through the 22nd for a week of Japan-related programming designed for families and youth. All events are free and open to the public. This will be determined between the awarded bidder and contract. JAS member company, Toyota will host the JAS young professionals group in Saline Michigan from 3-5 PM on July 11, 2023. Study aspects of international business and spend a week in spectacular Tokyo.