This section provides information to help you get started. Click through the steps above for a complete guide to starting a business in Alameda.Page with information about business licenses a new license in Alameda County, including information regarding unincorporated areas and renewing licenses. Fil Form 109 For taxabl yars bginning on or aftr January 1, 2023, th FTB offrs fil for xmpt organizations filing Form 109,. A valid claim must include a signed "Unclaimed Warrant Affidavit for Corporations and Other Agencies" for the re-issuance of an Alameda County warrant. File Format – We accept files in the Comma Delimited (CSV) format. Name the file with the name or business name of the withholding agent (e.g. Taxes – As an employer in the state of California, you must register with the. Electronic filing of the Business Property Statement uses a web-based application that will allow users to view, modify, and submit BPS filings on-line. The vendor has been in business for over 13 years providing bulk mailing services.