Find the basic requirements for applying for open positions with the Allegheny County Police Department. A Business Filing Services account is required for all online filing.New entity filing forms are available on the "Initial Forms" tab. The 2024 Forum will feature local government experts to support you as a key trusted officer, tasked with safeguarding information and providing service. The Allegheny County is currently on the lookout for a qualified candidate to fill the role of Administrative Officer 1. Candidates for Allegheny County executive Dave Fawcett, Sara Innamorato, Michael Lamb, Will Parker, Joe Rockey, and John Weinstein participate in a forum. These programs are a great opportunity to learn the roles, training and responsibilities of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. The Allegheny County is currently on the lookout for a qualified candidate to fill the role of Administrative Officer 1. Commentary on issues important to the competitiveness of the economic climate and quality of life in the Pittsburgh region. The applicant is the first individual(s), corporation, business, etc.