The procedures for compensating yourself for your efforts in carrying on a trade or business will depend on the type of business structure you elect. Enter on line 7 the total compensation of all officers paid or incurred in the trade or business activities of the corporation.The owners also should be officers of the corporation. Form 1125-E in the 1120S return would report compensation paid to officers. First, you'll fill out your personal information including your name, address, social security number, and tax filing status. Learn how to run payroll as an S corporation owner and how ADP can support your needs with exceptional small business payroll services. Did you fill out a W-4 (withholding statement as an employee) or a W-9 (form for independent contractors, that gives your tax ID or SS number? Of Withholding Exemptions: This column is merely inserted for the employer's convenience and is not a requirement of Regulations, Part 3 and 5. If you're like most employees, you probably last filled out a W4 form when you were hired at a new company. An S corporation is a business that enjoys the benefits of incorporation without double taxation.