With rare exception, employers that do business in Ohio are responsible for withholding Ohio individual income tax from their employees' pay. Com to file or pay local income tax to the City of Cuyahoga Falls.The Ohio S-Corp distributive shares are taxable and should be reported on Form 37. (9). Corporations owning or managing real estate are taxable only on that portion of income derived from property located in the City. f. For the following RITA Members, S-Corp distributive shares that do not represent wages are generally not taxable and should not be reported on Form 37:. Please first complete the personal information section of the form, including the Federal ID No. field. You must fill out an application and submit it to the Cuyahoga County Treasury Office. Cuyahoga County Treasurer. And their family members and officers of the corporation, are to be considered employees in determining liability. Employer relationships for single-member.