Most businesses, professions, trades, and occupations are assessed a license tax based on gross receipts for the prior year. Don't have a business account?Business license taxes are levied annually and are typically based on a business's gross receipts. Annual Reconciliation of Withholding is due February 28 of each year. In general, an employer who pays wages to one or more employees in Virginia is required to deduct and withhold state income tax from those wages. This worksheet should be used to identify all exclusions claimed on the business license applications to include forms: 8TA-E2, 8TA-AJ, and 8TA-NE. Below Documents are Required With Business License Application: Copy of Commercial Use and Occupancy or Residential use and Occupancy Permit Several things you can do right away to help yourself and your business start to work out of payroll tax problems with the IRS and state tax agencies.