The mission of the Franklin Township Police Department is to protect and enhance the quality of life via a Community Policing Operational Philosophy. Chairman Geesaman presented Fire Chief James Meek with Resolution 550 commending him for his 18 years as fire chief of the Blue Ridge Fire and Rescue Squad.Recognize any effort with a gorgeous, custom certificate of appreciation. The purpose of the Employee Recognition Program is: • To acknowledge and reward outstanding service of Franklin City Public. Submitting employee's email address: To receive a copy of your submission, please fill out your email address below and submit. Welcome to New York's award-winning state park system with 180 state parks and 35 historic sites! The staff will assist in determining whether the application type is a COA or an Administrative COA. As I complete my 16th year as the Director of Public Works, I want to personally thank you for continuing to make our recycling program such a huge success. In its application for a Change of.