Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The limited liability company cannot act as its own registered agent; do not enter the limited liability company name as the name of the registered agent.A LLC, INC, LP, LLP, or a Non-Profit business files with the Texas Secretary of State. In this video we're going to fill out a certificate of formation this is for your LLC to file with the Secretary of State's office. The following are the four main business requirements for a business to legally operate in Houston. In this blog post, we'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to form your LLC in Texas – including helpful tips on filing fees and tax requirements. Hendershot Cowart P.C. provides guidance on forming corporations, LLCs, and other business entities in Texas. A woman in a food truck hands containers of foods to a customer. Online filings can be completed at the state's SOSDirect website. Or, you can hire us to file your Texas LLC or Texas corporation for you.