The undersigned, (YOUR NAME) , being the ( OFFICER'S TITLE ) of. Serving global nurses and allied healthcare workers with credentials evaluation and career mobility since 1977.The student must fill out the form and obtain the required signatures: Dean of Community College. Partnerships (for international students or a recipient of. Required to fill out a DMA form. If you answer "yes" to having a criminal conviction, or having a certification revoked or suspended, you will be required to. Chairman Mabry, then asked Jeff Flumignan, Designated Federal Officer (DFO) to take roll call and discuss other administrative matters. Capt. KING are going out upon a fool's errand, without authority, pretending to hold hearings and take testimony with- out authority? KING are going out upon a fool's errand, without authority, pretending to hold hearings and take testimony with- out authority? Officers' qualifications and experience are summarized in the following chart.