By digitally signing this application for a Maricopa County Press Credential, I certify that I meet the Press Credential Criteria. Has a high school certificate of equivalency.Is at least 18 years of age and demonstrates evidence of potential success in the community college. Judge's Name: Fill in the name of the Judicial Officer (Judge or Commissioner) assigned to your case. The undersigned, (YOUR NAME) , being the ( OFFICER'S TITLE ) of. All records requests must be submitted in writing. Fill out our Records Request Form (see below) and submit it to the court. The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Law Enforcement Training Academy is designed for students wishing to pursue a career as a law enforcement officer. The NASRO program emphasizes the triad concept, which defines the role of SROs as law enforcement officers, educators, and informal counselors. System housed out of Maricopa Community Colleges.