A "Sole Proprietorship" or "General Partnership" seeking to operate in the County of Middlesex must file a Certificate of Trade Name with the County Clerk. Corporation, Liability for misdemeanor.Middlesex, in the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey as follows: 1. This article shall be known, designated and cited as the "License Tax Ordinance of Middlesex County, 2018. Employers can ask you if you have any criminal convictions. You must disclose felony and misdemeanor convictions, no matter how old they are. Under New Jersey law, you can use the legal process to clear a criminal conviction or arrest from your record through expungement in some cases. Division on Civil Rights Takes Enforcement Action Against Property Management Company for Failing to Comply with the Fair Chance in Housing Act. Before a final employment decision. 12 months; so businesses can complete payment up to December, 2021.