Mini Awards are intended as recognition of an employee for work on a significant special project or for superior performance during a 12-month period. In recognition of outstanding service, an employee may be granted a certificate of recognition and letter of commendation from the immediate supervisor. 2.Perfect for professionals and graduates, this frame is versatile enough for either home or office display, adding a touch of prestige to any setting. Requests usually go through an internal review and approval process. The Upper Dublin Township Police Department is a first-class, civil service, accredited law enforcement agency. Staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 6-1. Police Captain Wain thanked the Governing Body and everyone in the audience. Do I need to reside in Upper Dublin Township, or Montgomery County if hired to be an Upper Dublin Police Officer? Compensation plans are based on a multi-step progression system. Montgomery Township Police Department makes getting to know the youth and families in the Township and community a priority. Why?