The information required for registration includes: 1. FEIN;. 2. Type of business and business code;. 3.When filing your withholding returns, you should only include amounts deducted and withheld from employees while working for your business. Effective 2024, no withholding is required for employees under the age of 18 for any Ohio municipality. File your taxes, make a payment, online services, estimate your tax – quick calc, forms and instructions, form mailing addresses, filing due dates. See additional details in the business entity information and elective coverage sections for completing the application, which describe the reporting. Download Business Registration Form 48. Fill out the sections that apply to your company. I reside in Columbus, my wages are my only taxable income and my employer is withholding my Columbus tax liability properly. Corporations must file Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, for the calendar year in which final wages were paid.