Click on your name in the upper right corner. Congratulations on successfully passing the City of Phoenix Human Resources Department written exam and physical agility assessment.To be considered for certification under the rules of AZ POST, you must complete this application and RETURN IT TO THE DEPARTMENT TO WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING. II. The undersigned, (YOUR NAME) , being the ( OFFICER'S TITLE ) of. W4 Federal Tax Form Employee's Withholding Certificate. Each person applying for certification is required to complete a comprehensive polygraph exam. Holds an election officer's certificate issued pursuant to section 16 407. The Cadet State Trooper (CST) participates in the 30-week State Trooper Academy (STA) training program in Phoenix to learn the general duties of police work. Washington St. Phoenix, Arizona 85007. 2. Why won't A.C.C. staff help me fill out my form?