Last employer information including company name, supervisor's name, address (mailing and physical location) and phone number. Many states normally don't provide UI benefits to corporate officers unless the Corp is out of business.Applying for unemployment insurance in California can be confusing, but it doesn't have to be! Applicants should include all income, including 1099 independent contractor income and self-employment income, in their application for various reasons. Corporate officers have specific requirements to be eligible for unemployment benefits. Understanding these rules is crucial for corporate officers and business owners who may need to navigate the complexities of filing a UI claim. To access these benefits, workers must be fully or partially unemployed, have sufficient earnings over the past 12 months, and be ready and available for work. Corporate officers are considered to be employees of the corporation and their wages are chargeable along with any other remuneration in lieu of wages. When corporate officers perform a service for the corporation and receive or are entitled to payments, those payments are considered wages. HOW DOES MY LOAN-OUT CORPORATION AFFECT MY CALIFORNIA U.I.. BENEFITS?