To get started, click Open a Certificate, choose if you are Joining Today or an Existing Member, then scroll down and select Certificate from the dropdown. Read Privacy Act Statement, Penalty Statement, and Instructions on back before completing form.Use typewriter, ink, or ball point pen. The application documents will be provided to you to complete and return to Wolfe and Travis for processing at your eligible date. This video will show how to complete DE 4 - employee's withholding allowance certificate online using fillable forms at EDD website. To speed up the process, fill out the entire packet and bring it with you. Travis AFB employees (civilians and military) are required to complete the AF online self-certification to demonstrate compliance with the CAA. YES, after 10 minutes of non-use, the app will log you out. (2) These trades can only be permitted if each employee will still complete the normal 144 hours in the pay period. This video will show how to complete DE 4 - employee's withholding allowance certificate online using fillable forms at EDD website.