They must be a shareholder in the corporation with stock issued in their name. This page includes forms, fees, and instructions for all domestic business entities, foreign and domestic Registered Agents, and Washington Trademarks.A corporate name MUST be distinguishable from the name of any other corporation operating in the state; Applicable statute can be found at RCW 23B.04.010. Find authorized intermediary lenders participating in SBA's microloan program. Contact an intermediary. Responsible for the overall operations of the company including Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Engineering,Quality Assurance and more. Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology conglomerate headquartered in Redmond, Washington. Contracting officers can use setasides and solesource contracts to help the federal government meet its small business contracting goals. The federal government doesn't give out free money to start or grow a business. Be prepared to pay your state and federal taxes on time.