CareerSource Broward staff must obtain authorization from our customers before we can refer a job seeker to any job order in Employ Florida. BCEVSD provides case management directly to clients and enters into Referral.Monitors job openings and verifies referral results with employers. 3.11 "Residency Program" means and refers to the specific training program within the Graduate Medical Education Program that Resident will be participating in. The program is designed to assist individuals 18 and over to reintegrate back into the community following release from jail or prison. Please ensure you complete the application in its entirety and include all information you want considered. The employer (child care provider) must have an active SR Provider Match agreement with ELC Broward and a certified School Readiness Contract. Please complete the Employee. We offer an array of employment opportunities including business administration, customer service, information technology, and public safety. In the CareerSource.