If you are an individual looking for employment, or you provide services to clients looking for work, fill out the referral form below to get started! II. REFERRAL AGENCY INFORMATION (all fields required). Referral.Filling Job Order via Candidate. Screening and Resume Referrals. The Targeted Hiring Guideline is meant to be a guide, and should only be used as a supplement to your understanding of the Proposition HHH Project. A real estate referral agreement is used when a real estate agent refers a client to another agent in exchange for a referral fee. CPH CSWs must base the referral name on the referent's information and California Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS) clearances. A real estate referral agreement is used when a real estate agent refers a client to another agent in exchange for a referral fee. About Los Angeles Unified. Employment Nova Scotia, in partnership with (insert your organization's name here) , requires clients to complete.