Enter basic client information and demographics in the Client. A complete guide to Michigan attorney referral fee rule - learn how to ethically split fees between attorneys.Build business referral agreements in a few minutes using 360 Legal Forms' exhaustive library of custom templates. All you have to do is fill out our easy-to-understand questionnaire. A real estate referral agreement is used when a real estate agent refers a client to another agent in exchange for a referral fee. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, if DDA refers Clients to the Service Provider, DDA shall have no right to the payment of any referral. The parties agree that each partner shall receive referrals from and make referrals to the SC Works system in accordance with this Cross Referral Agreement. All parties involved will sign a confidentiality agreement. This is to protect our current and future business relationship. Please fill out the form below to submit a referral to Michigan Management.