A Referral Agreement, or broker agreement, outlines the rights and obligations of a broker providing services to a client for a fee. We've drawn up a free referral agreement template for you to use in your business partnerships.Com or complete our Get Started Form. Referral agreements are essential to many business transactions. Read on to learn about how to create, edit, negotiate, and execute these contracts. A financial advisor referral agreement is between a company and an affiliate that agrees to bring clients to the advisor in return for payment. Build business referral agreements in a few minutes using 360 Legal Forms' exhaustive library of custom templates. Your client relationships are key as happy clients are easier to approach for referrals and may even proactively refer new clients to you. A network of COIs can help you to serve your clients when they need to talk to an attorney, CPA, or other professional. The client must provide written consent to the sharing of fees, including the proportion of disbursement that the referring attorney receives.