Each page of Form C-258.1 provides four spaces to complete the date of contact, method of contact (e.g. It helps clients find employment, training, or education programs as well as internship and community service opportunities that suit their skills and goals.After establishing that an offer of employment has been made, the local office must determine whether the position is suitable for the claimant. Under this Agreement, Referral Partner is not required to and will not promote and market the Company's private label beverage products (the "Products"). NADAP helps individuals identify their unique interests, skills and values and begin their career pathway towards independence and success. Work closely with Opportunity Youth to coordinate social services referrals and generate ideas to help clients achieve their education and employment goals. According to information included in the RFP, 243 intensive services customers were provided with job referrals in FY2014. 202.44 Motion to confirm or reject judicial hearing officer' s report . . . A Referral Agreement, or broker agreement, outlines the rights and obligations of a broker providing services to a client for a fee. DCED implemented an annual report of these actions and the results are described later in the CAPER. 4.