Is this property for the client's personal use, or is it intended as an investment? Does this client own other real property in the destination country?AGREEMENT: In consideration for receipt of the referral of Principal from Referring Broker, Recipient Broker agrees to pay Referring Broker as follows:. Find a lawyer-backed template, ranging from attorney, real estate, commercial, partner, to mutual referral agreement options. Next, provide the necessary information of the Recipient Broker and Agent. This Referral Agreement is used when you have contacts who refer potential clients to you in exchange for compensation. You will need to upload the signed Referral Agreement with W-9 for the other agent's brokerage. Referral Arrangement. Before you refer business to another agent, please fill out and sign a Referral Agreement (attachments are at the bottom of this article). A Referral Agreement Form is a document that is used to set out an agreement between individuals who refer potential clients or lead to the other party.