A financial advisor referral agreement is between a company and an affiliate that agrees to bring clients to the advisor in return for payment. Effective Date: May 1, 2024.A Referral Agreement, or broker agreement, outlines the rights and obligations of a broker providing services to a client for a fee. A referral agreement is a legally binding contract that establishes the terms and conditions of referral relationships between parties in specific places. Per Code of Ethics, you HAVE TO notify clients in writing that you could get fees from referring them to a particular advisor. We pay high referral fees to approved brokers and other professionals. Get fast approval and exceptional rates for your clients. When you work with an LPL Financial advisor, you're positioned to receive personalized financial guidance designed around what matters to you. Asking for referrals can be an effective way to gain new leads through existing clients, but it's important to know the right way to do it.