Referral Partner shall submit leads to Xactly for each Prospective End Customer through the online form on the "Refer a Client" webpage. A Referral Agreement, or broker agreement, outlines the rights and obligations of a broker providing services to a client for a fee.Payment of referral fees for services provided to Clients already referred under the Agreement will continue after termination of the Agreement. A financial advisor referral agreement is between a company and an affiliate that agrees to bring clients to the advisor in return for payment. We've drawn up a free referral agreement template for you to use in your business partnerships. A. CONTRACTOR Responsibilities. 1. The Financial Dashboard must be submitted via WebGrants within six (6) months. This template is intended to provide a general outline that you can use to create your own agreements. Our clients are affluent families up and down the Pacific Coast who have built and led successful enterprises and created personal wealth in the process. For advice on finding the right attorney, what questions you should ask when you hire one, and avoiding fraud, please see our free legal information.