Get our free referral agreement. This agreement can be used to set terms between a company and referral partner that will earning a commission on sales.Qualification Process. Referral Partner shall submit leads to Xactly for each Prospective End Customer through the online form on the "Refer a Client" webpage. In this article, we'll share 5 Referral Program Ideas that will help you get more new patients with the recommendations of your current patients! The Guidelines for Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy in California Public Schools (Second. Use the framework below to draft your referral agreements with your integrated care partners. Physical therapists may offer gifts such as promotional products and services to current or potential patients covered under federal healthcare programs. Provide education to kids, teens and adults. NEW! Please submit requests to FHCP Central Referrals Department as soon as possible, as it may take up to 14 calendar days for determination of.