If someone was just starting a job as they were about to sign a lease and they didn't have pay stubs would you accept an employment letter? Tenants wanting to start an affirmative action for rent abatement need to fill out and file two documents – (1) Complaint for Money Owed and.Yes. that is the prime call a potential landlord makes. You fill out the rental application, and that includes your income. Fill out the referral form: North Carolina WIC Referral Form. After filling out and submitting the form, a WIC clinic will contact you within 20 days. In the portal you will be able to check your status, update your address, phone number, email address and your family composition. And if they refuse at first, they will often accept if you offer to pay the first few months of rent in advance. A job acceptance letter lets you outline the details of the job so that you are clear about your role in the company prior to your joining. 5 letter words slun.