Applications are typically accepted during a 2 to 4 week filing period. If you sign the letter you'll still probably want to give your 2 weeks notice, add a week for payroll and thats 3 weeks already.Contra Costa County is recruiting to fill multiple Social Service Program Assistant (SSPA) vacancies in the Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD). A company hiring you EXPECTS you will have a notice period. It shows you are a responsible employee who isn't going to just walk out. Give your landlord the proper written notice before you move and forward a copy of this notice to the Housing Authority. No later than November 1 at the request of either party, the parties shall give notice by. WINSLOW, Member: This case is before the Public Employment Relations Board. You can read more details about this assessment in the letter attached to this post. In the event that neither the unit member involved nor the department.