Do not give notice until they've formally offered the new position in writing and you've formally accepted in writing. Do not give notice today.When you accept the offer, you build in to it the amount of time it takes to give your current employer two weeks notice. Can an employer require a notice period in offer letter? Found a new employer, they are expecting me to start within 2 weeks of job acceptance. To avoid confusion, you can confirm your notice period and start date in your acceptance email. Be direct and to the point and, in the first sentence, acknowledge the receipt of their letter of resignation and formally accept it. First, make sure you put in your twoweek notice with your current job and notify any other employers you were in the hiring process with. Supervisors shall process the release of an employee transfer within a reasonable time following notification of the employee's intent to accept the transfer. An offer letter typically shows the general terms of employment – pay, benefits, perhaps a bonus or commission plan, and a start date.