When I assigned my acceptance letter for my current job, it stated that I need to leave a 4 weeks notice when I resign. Some companies choose to pay "two weeks in lieu of notice" when they decide not to let the employee work following notice.Be direct and to the point and, in the first sentence, acknowledge the receipt of their letter of resignation and formally accept it. My employer is saying that I must give 30 days notice as per my offer letter and will not accept 2 weeks. Here is a sample job offer letter from an employer to an employee. The short answer is 'no'though two weeks may be necessary if you signed an employment agreement. The date that the seller accepts the buyer's offer is the "Acceptance Date". The first thing you should put on your job acceptance letter is the date. Include it underneath the header close to the top of your letter. As long as you are fine serving the mentioned notice period in current employment, just do that and move out.