I also want to provide the proper 2 week notice period, and I would like my manager to hear from me and not HR. So, when do I tell my manager? Learn to write a resignation acceptance letter.However, their offer contains a notice period of 12 weeks. A notice of rent increase must be in writing and delivered to a tenant at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the rent increase. I accepted a job offer through an email but I have not yet signed the contract. Is it possible to back out of the job. Even if you aren't ready to officially accept an offer, you should still send a response within 24 to 48 hours after receiving it. In nearly all cases, written notice is required for a landlord or a tenant to terminate a tenancy, even monthtomonth oral tenancies. While the Montgomery County Code prohibits the landlord from charging a late fee until after the tenth of the month, this is not a grace period.