I also want to provide the proper 2 week notice period, and I would like my manager to hear from me and not HR. So, when do I tell my manager? Be direct and to the point and, in the first sentence, acknowledge the receipt of their letter of resignation and formally accept it.A copy of every eviction notice must be filed with the Rent Adjustment Program within 10 days after it is served on the tenant. The form you need to respond to an eviction case is Answer - Unlawful Detainer-Eviction (form UD-105). If you have opened a case and need to speak with your advocate, contact your local TAS office using the phone number tool below. Day 1 is the day after the Summons and Complaint were handed to you. If the forms weren't handed to you, you have more time to file an Answer. Within a reasonable time in the event of a call-out. TPN (Transitional LPN to ADN Track). The nursing department will complete the next TPN selection and mail letters of notification on April 15, 2024.