You should most definitely have a professional written job offer in your hand before even thinking of resigning. An employee who accepts a job, resigns from the former employer, and then has the new job offer withdrawn, may have a cause of action against the new employer.Instructions for taxes that apply to payments a person receives from an employer in return for work or services. Applicants accepting offers must sign a statement at the bottom of the offer letter, indicating acceptance and understanding of the conditions of the offer. Explore rewarding career opportunities with The School District of Philadelphia. Join us to empower students and shape the future of education. This means that you did something to upset the employer after you signed your offer letter. Aramark is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. Services to help with job training, education, employment accommodations, resume development, and job seeking skills coaching. The first step is determining financial eligibility, which considers wages earned and length of your employment.