I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago. Use Big Interview's résumé builder tool to help you create a stand-out résumé that features your professional experiences in a visually appealing format.We are an equal opportunity educational institution and employer, and we use a structured, job-related competitive process to fill regular positions. Fill out all relevant fields in Form Letters Of Appointment Of Personal Represetnative And Acceptance Of Appointment (Pima), take a break, and then review. Edu or fill out our contact form. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: List all jobs you have had in the past ten (10) years. Applications are evaluated as received. The second step is to fill out the Application. If you aren't currently enrolled in Online or Mobile Banking, you will need to select "Enroll Now" to fill out the registration form. A computer is available for use in completing applications in the Human Resources office, 4905D East Broadway Blvd.