There is no negotiating pay with the State—there are Hiring Above the Minimums (HAMs), but they are extremely rare and not easy to obtain. The first step of the process is to write a reply letter (or email, if that's how your offer was sent) to ask for your desired salary.This blog guides salary negotiation, offering 20 tailored email examples for various scenarios. You interviewed and it turns out the company wants to hire you. The goal of negotiating is to ensure that the salary and benefits you receive reflects your skills, responsibilities and education level. It is imperative to state the current market price that you have researched and you demand the equivalent amount for yourself. There are three different transfer types that you may qualify for: interdepartmental transfer, interclass transfer, and voluntary demotion. County of Sacramento. Human Services Program Specialist. Position to be located in the Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego office.