If not completing the fillable on-line version of this application, please fill out this application carefully in ink. Explore LawDepot's library of over 150 customizable legal documents for business and personal use.Create your first document for free today. These guides are designed to help you fill out the forms yourself, and are not intended to provide legal advice nor strategy as to how to complete the case. California Formal is basically what the rest of the world would wear to a garden party. A suit with tie for the chaps, and a dress or similar for the ladies. Most Judicial Council forms are "fillable" and can be downloaded to a local computer and filled out. O documento explica as diferenças entre cartas formais e informais, fornecendo exemplos de cada uma. Por exemplo, você pode precisar escrever uma carta de apresentação para incluíla no seu currículo quando se candidata a um emprego. Esse tipo de carta exige uma linguagem mais formal e impessoal.