Middlesex College receives grant to empower and celebrate first-generation college students at all-day event. Whether or not you disclose your diversity information (race, ethnicity, gender, disability, and vet status) is a personal decision.Q. Who can e-file using eCourts? Licensed New Jersey attorneys, who are in good standing, can electronically file court documents using eCourts. Call Jack at 585-554-6412 x204 or stop down to fill out an application. To apply for Middlesex University Dubai, you will be required to complete an online application form. Marriage licences are available on a 'drop in' basis during our regular business hours (Monday to Friday a.m. We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law. I have a passion for storytelling and an MA in Creative Writing from Middlesex University. If you need to brush up on your math or English skills, we have courses and experts to help you excel.