We are currently accepting applications for our Police Dispatcher positions. Thank you for your interest in becoming a Police Officer with the City of Alameda.Please call (510) 337-8411 or come to the Records Unit at 1555 Oak St, Alameda, Monday-Thursday, from 10 a.m. To file a Code Violation Complaint, please fill out the entire Code Enforcement Complaint Form. POLICE OFFICER – Lateral Thank you for your interest in becoming a police officer with the City of Alameda. Enter the citation or docket number and select the courthouse to which your ticket was assigned. Applications for permits can be obtained at the front desk of the Pleasanton Police Department. Massage Establishment. If at any time a resident rescinds consent to record while in a residence, officers shall immediately or as soon as practical, deactivate the Body-Worn Camera. Additionally, I shall complete all employment and insurance forms for the new employee orientation.