Applicants are fingerprinted and photographed at One Police Headquarters, Room 152-A, Lower Manhattan. The attached application MUST be typewritten and signed.The Bernards Township Police Records Bureau is open Monday through Friday from am- pm. ➢ Enter "Page 1 of 2 Pages" on the original report; "Page 2 of 2 Pages" on the second report form, and so on. The application process for the Kings Mountain Police Department includes several steps and takes approximately 2-4 months. Address details can be found here. Once you complete the main body of the letter, it may be a good idea to express your appreciation for the opportunity to serve in your precinct. Correctly completing ATF Forms 4473 is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that ATF can trace crime guns. Contact us any time. Here readers can see another way that King uses the symbol of imprisonment in the letter.