We check for the following items, and we will notify you (or a local designee) if we see something out of the ordinary or there is an incident at the property. Government issued identification.Procedures for making application for a Temporary Use Permit, as provided in the Maricopa County Zoning. File an Authority to Arrest Form with Your Precinct. You can electronically submit an "Authority ​to Arres​t" using our online form. Additional forms may be found at the Superior Court's Law Library Resource Center website. The documents are provided in on this page. We recommend completing the attachments prior to starting the application so they are ready for upload as you apply. Online reporting can be utilized for the following non-emergency circumstances: If a suspect is known, do not file a report online, please call 520-568-3673. Maricopa County law enforcement agencies recognize that domestic violence is a preventable crime and that the cycle of violence can be broken.