If you prefer to mail your public records request, complete this form, print, and mail to the address listed. You can contact the City of Maricopa's non-emergency line at (520) 568-3673.As a victim of a crime, you have the right to attend the Initial Appearance hearing and share with the court a Victim Impact Statement. You can now submit Public Record requests using our online portal. Watch instructional video: Visit Phoenix. Are you looking for a place to work where you can make a real difference in the lives of over 200,000 college students every year? AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection. The following is a brief description of the process to prosecute an adult accused of committing a felony offense. Visit the new Public Services Portal to create an account and request Public Records. All requests for public records should be submitted in writing or online.