The Authorization is a tool for police to eject or arrest persons who have no right to be on certain property without the necessity of the owner's presence. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County.New CHP - Applicants should complete the online application and bring the 8-page paperwork packet to the office to be fingerprinted. Looking for local rules and forms? The application process can take approximately eight to 16 weeks, depending upon when you make it to, and through, the Police Academy. CMS requires a parent or guardian to provide the following documents to enroll. Please click HERE for information and documents needed to complete enrollment. (a) Application for a permit required under this Regulation shall be made on official forms of the. All building and permanent signage permits for properties located in Cornelius are submitted online through the Mecklenburg County website. First, choose the consumer complaint form that fits your problem.