Use the GovQA online form. Only the original application will be accepted.Information on how NYS residents can obtain their own criminal history record, and FAQs regarding expungement and Certificates of Relief and Good Conduct. What is a criminal summons? Once the New York State Board of Law Examiners certifies you for admission to the Appellate Division, Third Judicial Department, you may submit to this Office. The official website of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. The Special Licensing and Firearms Unit is responsible for the issuance of state pistol permits. I am a Police Officer, what do I need to apply for a pistol license? A conviction can lead to jail or even time in a New York State prison. The Police Officer Rocco Laurie Intermediate School 72, 33 Ferndale Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314, (718)698-5757, Fax: (718)761- 5928.